All You Need To Know About Natural Hair Care Products!

January 01, 2023 6 min read 2 Comments

Girl with long hair and sunglasses

The Essential Guide To Natural Hair Care Products

What do you look for in hair care products?

Do you look past the big brands and household names?

Maybe you can’t entirely trust that they don’t have some form of animal testing or that their formulae are not completely naturally–sourced. You prefer something that’s biodegradable. Eco-friendly, maybe even vegetarian or vegan–oriented? 

If that’s the case, then you are in luck. The Solid Bar Company only deals in cruelty-free cosmetics and luxury hair care products. In short, the best natural hair care products you can hope to find, conveniently available in our shampoo and conditioner bar UK online store collection.

These natural hair care products are for men, for women and for children. Not only that we have created natural hair care products for curly hair, straight hair, frizzy hair, for oily hair, for dry hair - in fact for all hair types.

So, how do our fresh products come to be classed among the best shampoos and best conditioners available in the personal care market? We haven't become one of the best manufacturers of vegan hair products UK-wide and beyond without good reason!

It primarily comes down to the ingredients used in our sustainable personal products. Since they are one of the key factors and are high up there among the main reasons why our products are among the best on the market, let’s get up close and personal and examine a few of them in more detail.


One of the best components that can go into vegan hair care products is geranium essential oil. Gardening enthusiasts will be no stranger to seeing geraniums left, right and centre, but this plant’s essential oil holds a number of amazing and beneficial properties that can go into vegetarian and vegan shampoo products for their users’ personal advantage.

Geranium flower
This essential oil is said to balance the user’s hormones which, in the case of women, can make a considerable difference when suffering menopausal symptoms. There are also markedly positive effects on mental health, particularly in alleviating stress and depression. Most importantly, however, it is the benefits to your skin’s health. 

Many health experts have recommended using geranium oil as part of your regular hair care alongside your usual brand of shampoo and conditioner. However, The Solid Bar Company includes it in many of its products, which is one of the reasons why they sell the best vegan hair care products on the market.


This will be another plant the gardeners will be more than familiar with – it’s a rare garden that doesn’t have a lavender flower in it. Many of the lavender plant’s properties are well known, but there a couple of them that may still take you by surprise. Lavender essential oil is most commonly known as a relaxant – often recommended for insomnia sufferers and others whose sleep is disturbed by anxiety, stress and depression. 

Lavender flowers
It has properties especially beneficial in hair care too. Particularly it should be noticed that it has the ability to disinfect, which is highly beneficial for the scalp. The lavender oil also has an anti-inflammatory, pro–circulatory effect on the scalp that increases blood flow. This, in turn, brings all sorts of helpful and healthy nutrients to the hair follicles, which promotes continued hair growth. 

As with the earlier mentioned geranium oil, the professionals in healthcare recommend lavender essential oil to be added to your everyday hair serum for its antiseptic qualities. So why not kill two birds with one stone by using our natural hair care products? Lavender oil is one of the key ingredients you will find in every one of The Solid Bar Company's natural shampoo bars.


Of all the ingredients in our listings, patchouli essential oil may be among the least familiar–looking and least recognisable. This in itself is amazing, given how many awesome properties the patchouli plant has. Not only is it a noted antiseptic, but it also has both antidepressant and aphrodisiac qualities. 

Patchouli flower
Patchouli may be virtually unknown ingredient to Western users, but it is a principal in Asian skin and hair care - a firm favourite in parts of China, Malaysia and Japan. A number of common irritants among skin conditions like acne and eczema are treated with patchouli essential oil and for the hair; it is celebrated as an anti-dandruff remedy. 

Although dandruff is caused when a scalp is too dry, patchouli oil is still used to treat an oily scalp too. Oily scalp primarily occurs as a result of a too high build–up of sebum – the protective layer that keeps moisture in the scalp. Sebum can aggravate fungal growth and also cause a bad smell. Patchouli takes care of all of that and so is an ideal ingredient for shampoo for oily hair. So you can see why we include this excellent ingredient for you - to ensure your purchase from The Solid Bar Company’s range of luxury personal care products is nothing but the best. 


What else do you hope to find in a solid shampoo bar from the UK online store? Let’s next take a look at Argan oil shampoo. While a lot of readers may be unaware, Argan oil is actually a commonly–used key ingredient in hair care products – natural, vegan-friendly or otherwise.

It serves as an important restorative agent, often a key factor when choosing your new shampoo. If you have resorted to more chemical and artificial measures to gain a specifically desired look for your hair, and your hair has suffered as a result, you need worry no more. Our shampoos will improve the overall softness and restore strength, particularly in dry and brittle hair whilst complementing the overall sheen.

Argan tree in Morocco
Argan oil is sourced from the kernels of a tree native to Morocco, often nicknamed “liquid gold”. It is quite rightly a widely renowned and celebrated conditioner and moisturiser; so you can use it with confidence as a totally natural remedy to bring your hair back to its full lustre. 

Its key nutrient is Vitamin E, which it has in abundance. Not only does this provide the restorative benefits sought in a good natural shampoo, but Vitamin E is also an excellent antioxidant. As such, it possesses the properties to stimulate hair growth in the scalp. 


All of The Solid Bar Company’s natural hair care products pride themselves on being completely sulphate free. So, for a moment, rather than examine the benefits of what these products contain, let’s explore the positives of what they do not contain instead.

So firstly let’s answer the question as to why are sulphates so harmful? Not least because sulphates are irritants – nasty if you get sulphate products in your eyes, for example, which is – as we all know – so easy to do! But they also have quite adverse effects on the skin and hair, which sort of defeats the object of using shampoo in the first place, doesn’t it?

Shampoo formulae that contain sulphates can strip the scalp of a lot of its natural oils, the very oils that are essential and instrumental to continued hair health and growth. As such, with a dried–out scalp, you can expect to be seeing a lot more dandruff and, in more extreme cases, total hair follicle death. Total hair loss isn’t just a case of genetics, going bald doesn’t just run in families, you know! It can also be influenced by how healthy the hair is, too.

With all this in mind, it’s clear to say you’re in much safer hands with a sulphate-free shampoo. Then you can rest assured that you will be keeping all that natural and protective goodness on your head and in your hair. And fortunately, you can expect nothing less from The Solid Bar Company products.


Another thing The Solid Bar Company’s products remain entirely free of is parabens. “What is a paraben?” you may be asking. It’s a type of preservative that can and has been used in cosmetics – especially other alleged natural hair care products. 

Parabens have been the subject of a lot of discussion recently, related to how they can mimic oestrogen hormones and cause some forms of cancer and other related problems. These same studies also found how harmful they can potentially be to the scalp and hair, primarily since parabens can be absorbed directly through the skin.

This all being said, whether they’re vegan-friendly or not, you’ll be glad to have nothing to do with parabens. And so are The Solid Bar Company. Every shampoo bar, every conditioner, is completely paraben-free.

Botanical Shampoo Bar


Then why not  check out our handy guide with 5 Great Tips To Help You Find The Best Shampoo Bar in 2021!

The mission statement of The Solid Bar Company fully embraces the production of cruelty-free hair products that will benefit our customer's hair with totally natural ingredients. We ensure that we also use 100% vegan BTMS 50 in our hair care products.

So, why wait? Give your hair what it deserves today  - Sustainable, Natural & Plastic Free Shampoo Bars and Conditioner Bars!

Have a great Shampoo Day and don't forget to check out the full range of shampoo bars here.

Best wishes, 

The Solid Bar Company Team

ps. don't forget to check out our great article here with 5 Great Tips To Help You Find The Best Shampoo Bar in 2021!


(This blog post was updated in January 2023)

2 Responses

Jackie G
Jackie G

May 16, 2019

Good clear information and has helped me a lot with my hair and shampoo choices so thanks – I have ordered some of your really natural sounding shampoo bars and conditioners and can’t wait to try them! Bye, JG x

Miss Mich
Miss Mich

August 25, 2018

Very informative – thanks.

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