Natural Anti-Bacterial Soap!

March 08, 2020 3 min read

Woman coughing

Hand Soap Versus Hand Sanitiser!


Hand washing


1. General Hand Washing Advice.

In the current climate, especially with seasonal flu and corona virus (covid-19) on the increase, the news has been focused on hygiene, and hand washing in particular. 

The advice in the UK, and USA Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, is that it’s best to wash your hands ‘with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing’.

These medical advisory units also say that soap and water are very good at removing ‘all types of chemical and germs’ on your hands and that a hand sanitiser is a good secondary option if soap and water are not available, especially 'if it contains at least 60% alcohol’  - see my free recipe below to make your own travel hand cleaner below that meets these requirements.

Scientist looking at test tubes


2. What The Research Tells Us.

In 2015, the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy research published findings of a test against 20 strains of bacteria that antibacterial soap containing 0.3% triclosan (the most common ingredient found in anti-bacterial soaps in the US - and many in the UK - used at the maximum legal limit) was no more effective at killing germs than regular soap in day-to-day hand washing conditions. 

Hand washing is carried out in less than a minute but this test showed it took over nine hours for the triclosan to have any effect. 

There are also numerous studies and other indicators that triclosan is ‘a growing concern to environmental and human health’.

The CDC further states that hand sanitisers work well in clinical settings where hands are generally already clean but may not work well on hands that are dirty or greasy and that soap and water is advised as a better alternative wherever possible.

 Natural soaps


3. Natural Anti-Bacterial Soap Products.

Our foaming, moisturising handmade soaps contain a high amount of naturally anti-bacterial properties present in Olive oil and organic Coconut oil.  Many of the essential oils we use also have antibacterial (and antifungal) properties and are have gone through clinical trials (link below) showing impressive results as to their effectiveness.  These include Lemongrass, Rosemary, sweet Orange, Eucalyptus and patchouli - you can see our natural soap collection here.

Tea Tree oil is best known for its anti-microbial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

We have also introduced our new three packs of anti-bacterial soaps especially created for kids and a separate one for adults.

Perhaps more timely for some, especially given some of the price hiking and shortages of manufactured hand sanitisers we are seeing, is this easy to make home recipe.

If much of the time you aren’t near to soap and water and/or maybe on public transport or crowded areas frequently, it might be a good idea to try making your own hand sanitiser to carry around with you as well.

Rubbing alcohol, in the right percentage, is known to kill a lot of germs and bacteria so I have included a recipe here for you to follow.


Ant -bacterial soap wash


4. A Simple DIY Recipe For Hand Sanitiser.


  • 125ml Glass bottle with pump top (
  • Small funnel
  • Glass jug
  • Metal spoon
  • Scales


  • 88g Isopropanol (Rubbing) alcohol 99%* (
  • 35g Aloe Vera Gel (
  • 35-40 drops Tea Tree Essential oil (
  • 5-10 drops Lavender Essential oil (


  • Measure out essential oils into glass jug
  • Add Rubbing alcohol and stir
  • Add aloe vera gel and stir again
  • Place funnel into glass bottle and pour mixture into it.
  • Replace lid and use as necessary.

*Do make sure the rubbing alcohol has a 99% alcohol content to give you a high alcohol sanitiser as advised.

Stay safe and well, 


PS. And while you're here, why not check out our other essential blog reads that contain all sorts of useful and fascinating healthy facts and tips right here.


Disclaimer: Please note that this alcohol- based hand cleaner is not a substitute for hand washing properly with soap and water.  Whilst it contains natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral ingredients, it has not been tested in a laboratory to determine its efficacy against viruses, including the corona virus.  If I was travelling a lot without access to soap and water, this is the type of hand cleaner I would make for myself and carry with me.

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